Domestic Violence Lawyer Dallas, TX 
Although you and your child’s other parent may no longer be romantically involved, you are still tied together by your child. But, for better and for worse, being tied together does not always mean that you agree with the other. If your romantic relationship was complicated by domestic violence or false allegations of domestic violence, it may make co-parenting particularly burdensome.
When legal disputes related to your child’s custody arise, it is important to have a strong legal plan in place. Without access to the resources you need, your child’s best interests may remain at risk. Some parents benefit from working with both a mediator and their attorneys during a custody dispute, while others are best served by simply working with their lawyers. The legal team at Brandy Austin Law Firm, PLLC is committed to helping you craft the strongest legal plan possible so that your unique situation benefits from the resources that make sense for you and your child.
Benefits of Working with a Mediator
A mediator serves as a neutral party during child custody negotiations. Both parents, along with their attorneys, are encouraged to work to find a solution in the child’s best interest while the mediator helps to keep everyone on track. Mediation is often less stressful and less expensive than court battles tend to be. However, an experienced Dallas, TX domestic violence lawyer may advise you to avoid mediation as an option, depending on the unique circumstances you are facing.
It is particularly helpful for parents who are fairly united in their vision for child custody to try mediation. Mediation can help both parties iron out details of their custody arrangement by mutual agreement. When disputes move to a courtroom setting, it is the judge who decides what is best for an affected child. Parents who can “meet in the middle” successfully can essentially write their own child custody agreements during the mediation process without judicial intervention in most cases.
When Working with Only an Attorney Is Best
Sometimes the parties involved in child custody disputes are not best served by the mediation model. For example, situations involving domestic violence can be difficult to navigate with a mediator. It may not be the healthiest option for a domestic violence victim to be compelled to sit across from his or her abuser during mediation sessions. Similarly, if a relationship was affected by false allegations of domestic violence, it may be too tension-filled to benefit from mediation. A Dallas, TX domestic violence lawyer can explore whether or not this may be the case in your situation.
In addition, mediation is not always the most fruitful choice for couples whose situations are particularly acrimonious. If it is unlikely that the two parties involved are going to be able to reach an equitable agreement due to bitter personal disputes or a fundamental difference in the ways in which they want their child to be raised, mediation may ultimately not be the best use of time.
In these instances, it is generally beneficial for the couple to communicate with each other through their attorneys. It is possible that a Dallas, TX domestic violence lawyer may be able to reach a negotiated agreement without going to court, though sometimes a contentious court battle is the only way for a child’s best interests to be sufficiently addressed.
Help Is Available
Whether your child custody situation is fairly straightforward or complex, peaceful or acrimonious, our firm is eager to help you advocate for your child’s best interests. You do not need to navigate this challenging time alone. Please consider calling a Dallas, Texas domestic violence lawyer today. After our firm listens to the details of your unique situation, we will be able to put together the strongest legal strategy possible, which may or may not include the use of a child custody mediator.