Trucking Accident Lawyer Arlington, TX

Trucking Accident Lawyer Arlington, TX

As a trucking accident lawyer in Arlington, TX from Brandy Austin Law Firm, PLLC may inform clients, litigating a truck accident has little in common with the usual car accident. Pursuing action against a commercial carrier is a different process than securing damages from a private individual or an insurance company. There are also multiple elements involved in truck accidents that make determining fault difficult.

It is important that you hire an attorney with a background pursuing truck drivers and their employers if you are the victim of a truck accident. At Brandy Austin Law Firm, LLC, we take an informative approach that is both reassuring and encouraging. Personal injury makes up a large number of our case files and that includes truck accidents. To secure legal assistance with the effects of your truck accident, contact us today

What Makes Truck Accidents Unique

Dealing with Serious Injuries

Commercial trucks can be seen on highways and roads across the country. Trucking accidents can impact not only the victims but their families profoundly. As a victim, it’s important that you take action in the days and weeks following a trucking accident. Managing serious injuries can be all consuming. Holding the liable party accountable can take a significant amount of time.

Because of this, it may be in your best interest to seek counsel from a TX trucking accident lawyer in Arlington. With the help of a professional, you can give yourself the best opportunity at an outcome in your favor. 

The sheer size and impact of a trucking accident has the ability to deliver a force that can cause serious injuries and even death. When an accident occurs that involves a large truck, it can be assumed that the results are likely to be devastating. Common injuries that accident victims may face following a trucking accident include:

  • Broken Bones
  • Brain Injuries
  • Lacerations
  • Burn Injuries
  • Spinal Injuries
  • Soft Tissue Injuries

If you have been injured, it warrants at least consult with a Texas trucking accident lawyer from Brandy Austin Law Firm, PLLC. We can take the time to review your case and help you determine if you have the ability to seek damages for your accident.

Holding Drivers Liable

Gathering Evidence to Support Your Case

Evidence is key to making sure that trucking accident victims obtain a successful outcome for their case. Evidence not only helps to value your claim but also to support a successful outcome following a trucking accident. We can review your trucking accident case, negotiate with insurance companies, and prepare for litigation if necessary.

The following, are key pieces that a trucking accident lawyer in Arlington is likely to request when pursuing legal action, including:

  • Logs from the truck involved in the accident, including:
    • Manufacturing details
    • Maintenance records
    • Driver logs
  • Medical documentation outlining injuries
  • Photographs or videos of the accident
  • Photographs or videos of injuries
  • Your personal statement of the accident

What Makes Truck Accidents Unique

An Arlington trucking accident lawyer understands that such accidents pose specific challenges. These can include:

  • The extent of the injuries: A commercial truck with load can weigh up to 80,000 pounds. This is approximately 25 times larger than the typical passenger vehicle and the impact is often immense. Drivers may sustain serious injuries that render them unable to remember the accident or keep them incapacitated during crucial investigation times. This serves only to complicate the circumstances further since these cases depend heavily on recollection of the facts.
  • Truck driver training: Unlike operators in passenger vehicles, truck drivers undergo intensive training to maneuver their vehicles and avoid accidents. The notion of negligence is often assumed to be on the driver of the car rather than the truck due to this training. This does not mean that truck drivers are never found negligent but it will require additional work to prove that in negotiations or at trial.
  • Multiple Defendants: Unless the driver is an independent operator, most cases involving commercial drivers require naming more than one defendant. The employer of the driver and the commercial carrier can often be held liable. Also, if there were any shortcomings in how the truck was loaded or maintained, those parties can be named in a lawsuit too. It takes substantial investigation to find everyone responsible.
  • Federal law questions:If the truck was overloaded, for example, that is a violation of federal law as well as proof of negligence. There are many regulations that affect the trucking industry and knowing which of these are followed well or violated can help make or break a case. The regulations are so important to establishing safety on the road that often breaking one is considered enough evidence for proving negligence.
  • Hazardous material:Many commercial trucks also carry hazardous material. This brings in toxic tort injuries that can result from plaintiffs being exposed to dangerous chemicals. Hazardous material also comes under state and federal regulations that could be used to show liability.

As your trucking accident lawyer in Arlington, Texas may tell you, a truck accident is frequently a matter that goes beyond who hit whom and under what circumstances. It often combines many different legal issues including employer liability, interstate commerce requirements, and toxic torts. Attorneys who manage these cases often need experience in all these areas, depending on the type of truck involved in the accident.

Holding Drivers Liable

While truck accidents may be more complicated to litigate, the reasons for liability are not much different from other road accidents. Fatigue, failure to maintain a proper lookout, drug or alcohol use, and other shortcomings while operating a vehicle all come into play with these accidents as they do with smaller car accidents. Mechanical failures, including bad brakes and insecure trailer attachments, are also possible factors in these accidents.

However, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration estimates that truck driver error only occurs in three percent of accidents. The burden of proof is on you the plaintiff anytime you bring an action about another driver. This burden intensifies when you are up against a truck driver because the instinct of insurance adjusters, arbitrators, judges, and even juries is to give the benefit of the doubt to that driver.

The injuries sustained in truck accidents are frequently very serious and your case deserves a thorough investigation at the very least. Rather than just write off the accident as your fault or drop your case because you do not remember much about the facts, a trucking accident lawyer in Texas at Brandy Austin Law Firm, PLLC can take a closer look. It all starts with an initial consultation, then moves on to a review of your medical records and any accident report. If necessary, we can contact an accident reconstruction expert to get to the truth of what happened in your collision.

Contact A Trucking Accident Lawyer Arlington, TX Trusts
While your injuries from a trucking accident may be consuming, it’s still important that you consider taking the time to obtain a reputable lawyer for guidance. A trucking accident lawyer can help victims to piece together the necessary next steps that should be taken following an accident. It’s important to take legal action as soon as possible to ensure that you are able to obtain the help you need to move forward.

The life you once knew may surely be impacted in the wake of a trucking accident. Without notice, you stand to face significant changes. It can be terrifying to face an accident of such severity. As an accident victim, you may have the ability to take legal action against the trucker and/or trucking company responsible.

If you or a loved one has fallen victim to an accident, it may be in your best interest to consider taking advantage of a complimentary consultation offered by a trucking accident lawyer in your area, such as our team at Brandy Austin Law Firm, PLLC.

For guidance and support in protecting your rights, contact us today. For a free consultation with an Arlington, TX trucking accident lawyer, contact our Brandy Austin Law Firm, PLLC office at 817-841-9906 for intelligent and dedicated representation.

Contact A Trucking Accident Lawyer Arlington, TX Trusts

Client Review

“Excellent, passionate staff. They show that they really care, they care about me and what happens to me, instead of the money I will be paying them. They have a payment plan and better service for lower prices compared to other lawyers in the area. “

Kathy M
Client Review