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The divorce process can be hard on the children in the relationship if not handled in a civil and just manner. Joint custody of minor children is a great way of preventing hardship on the child or children in the relationship. If both parents have nonexistent histories of substance abuse or domestic violence, splitting custody of the children should be helpful, and many families that have gone through divorce find it to be a workable and fair solution. In every divorce situation, the children’s best interests should be placed as the number one priority when negotiating  custody arrangements. Sometimes, parents forget this, and become greedy and self centered, not considering the child’s needs when determining visitation rights. You need to keep in mind that you are going through this process only for your children not for personal gain. You and your former partner’s goal should be making sure that your children are raised in a stable, happy, and most importantly loving environment.

What Is Joint Custody?

Joint custody is the process by which parents are not in a relationship but share the financial and physical responsibility of raising their child together. Decisions will be made in joint custody regarding the children’s life. They can include what the child’s religious upbringing will include, where the child will be housed, whose insurance the child will be under, where the child will go to school and where the child will spend holidays. Joint custody can be one of three types: joint legal and physical custody, joint legal custody, or joint physical custody. With joint legal custody, parents may have custody but not share equal physical custody. With joint physical custody, both parents share the equal amount of custody. Because parents most likely do not have the same kind of schedule, with joint legal and physical custody, one parent may be taking care of the child longer during the month. Parents should try to be  flexible when discussing joint custody so that they can accommodate their children’s needs. In the event that schedules change, you and your spouse can adjust accordingly and do not have to bring the specific situation to court. Part of joint custody means that you have to communicate with your former partner even. You can always create a calendar online that you both have the ability to modify so that you can delete and add events and appointments that may affect your days of custody or theirs. Joint custody can be a lot of hard work, but can be very beneficial for your children in the long run.

Legal Protection Under the Law

Determining a joint custody agreement that both parents accept can be overwhelming, especially for the child. It should always be put in writing what the final joint custody agreement is, so that you can protect your rights and the rights of your children. You should contact a family law attorney today so that they can explain your state’s laws surrounding joint custody to you, as well as help you come to an agreement with your ex spouse that benefits you both. In the event you need legal advice, contact child custody attorney Tampa FL to get more information.