There are countless commercial vehicles and delivery trucks on the road each day. In most cases, trucks are in good condition and the drivers are following trucking regulations and the rules of the road; however, these things don’t always happen and the results can be devastating. While in a perfect world each and every driver is aware that they not only have to look out for other drivers, special attention should be paid by anyone carrying cargo. Because of the possibility of detrimental sometimes fatally catastrophic events, knowledge of the appropriate party to assist you is paramount.
Truck accident claims involve many of the same basic questions that car accident claims involve. Which party is at fault for the accident? What negligent act caused the accident? Should you contact your insurance company first or should you exchange information with the driver and follow up with them at your convenience? Should I speak wait for the police before I contact my insurance company or the insurance company of the other driver? Should I directly speak with the employer of the driver? There are numerous circumstances that can occur during delivery truck accidents which may warrant unique questions because of the involvement of commercial vehicles and large vehicles.
A lot of people are on the road on a daily basis and because of that we share the roads with an array of other vehicles. While delivery truck accidents cannot be anticipated, much is to be done when it comes to ensuring the safety of both, the driver as well as any pedestrians or passer-bys. No one desire to be in an accident, however, they appear to be likely and frequent, to include injury to sometimes both drivers are injured and it is initially left to the judgment of the police officer on the scene as to who is at fault for the accident. In the event you are aware of someone who was subjected to injury due to the negligence of a delivery driver who may have been distracted for possibly fails to adhere to traffic signals, they may need to speak with an attorney, like an experienced Dekalb County auto accident lawyer. By reaching out to an attorney you will have someone who can articulate your rights, their negligence, and any possible financial compensation due to you. Please reach contact an attorney in your area to find out what the next step is in being made whole following the accident.