Brandy Austin Law Firm PLLC
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Today, Barry’s is on the cusp of continued global expansion with over 100,000 members working out weekly in studios in over a dozen different countries.

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Today, Barry’s is on the cusp of continued global expansion with over 100,000 members working out weekly in studios in over a dozen different countries.

One of the most dangerous problems on the roadway is truck driver fatigue. In general, a drowsy driver is a dangerous driver. But when someone is in control of operating a vehicle that may weigh upwards of 80,000 lbs, this is a serious safety concern for those nearby. Truck drivers are often sleepy because of the pressures and nature of their job. However, this does not mean that a truck driver should be given leniency in the event of an accident that they caused. Drowsy driving can cause truck drivers to fall asleep behind the wheel, and you can imagine the type of disaster that can unfold because of it. Truck drivers may swerve off the road, into oncoming traffic, or otherwise cause a tragedy.

Fatigued truck driving is an issue for many reasons. Firstly, tired drivers are unable to be fully aware, alert, and attentive to what is happening on the road. Being drowsy behind the wheel can reduce reaction times and level of alertness. A trucker that is too tired to pay full attention to the road may be putting others at risk for severe injury and potentially deadly situations.

Another issue with truck driver fatigue is that drivers may use drugs while behind the wheel to stay awake. In fact, it is not uncommon for truck drivers to use prescription or illegal drugs as a way to remain awake long enough to make it to their destination quickly. But through the use of these drugs, it can actually make matters much worse. Once these stimulant drugs wear off, the trucker may be even more fatigued than they would have been if they had just stopped and got some proper rest.

Of course, you may be wondering about what regulations and rules there are for truck drivers so they don’t fall asleep behind the wheel. Efforts have been made to monitor more closely truck driver shifts and schedules. Despite these regulations, truck driver fatigue continues to be a problem that causes serious injury to anyone who may be driving close by. 

It is also important to note that many truck drivers may be aware of these regulations but the pressure from their employer may mean they choose to falsify records, continue to drive during normal sleep hours, use stimulants frequently, and more. Anyone who has been in an accident with a truck driver must put their health and safety first by contacting law enforcement, requesting medical attention, and documenting the scene thoroughly before leaving.

Consult With a Skilled Lawyer 

Do not delay action if you are in urgent need of legal help. Seeking help early is critical if you want to boost your chances of success. Contact a skilled and highly experienced truck accident lawyer in Dallas, Texas from Brandy Austin Law Firm, PLLC now.