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 Elder Law

In the most perfect world, nursing homes would be one of the most safe and honorable facilities, where elderly residents can live the highest quality of life possible. Senior residents would always be treated with respect and have their needs attended to with prompt urgency. However, this may not always be the case. In fact, it is estimated that about one in every three nursing home facilities have had reports or violations of mistreatment towards residents. Hearing this may frighten family members, who placed their loved one in the nursing home with the idea that it was a pleasant and supportive place.

An attorney can empathize with the pain, anguish and anger you may be feeling after hearing from your loved one that he or she was harmed by nursing home staff. They want you to know that you do not have to feel helpless in this situation, as you can take legal action against the individuals and/or facility for such mistreatment.

Why Nursing Home Abuse Occurs

Nursing home facilities that are understaffed and have inadequately trained personnel, can be increasingly likely to either accidentally or intentionally mistreat their senior residents. Those who have disabilities or are unable to defend themselves, may be even more-so vulnerable to neglect or abuse.

Unfortunately, many nursing home facilities may not operate based on the needs of the residents, but as a way to gain profit instead. So this means your loved one may have been placed in a facility that does not have his or her wellbeing at heart. While this can be difficult for family members who made this choice to hear, it is a reality that can be handled with help from an attorney.

Signs of Nursing Home Abuse or Neglect

When nursing home staff fail to provide standard levels of care, elderly residents may suffer mental, emotional and physical injuries. Being aware of the signs of neglect or abuse can help family members know when taking action is needed. If your loved one has suffered injuries because of mistreatment, he or she may be entitled to significant compensation. Here are some of the most common red flags that may mean your cherished relative is not receiving proper attention and care:

  • Poor personal hygiene
  • Unsanitary/dirty living conditions
  • Malnutrition and/or dehydration
  • Newly diagnosed illness due to lack of nutrition
  • Loss of or impaired mobility
  • Injuries that do not have an obvious explanation
  • Refusing to take medication or acting out
  • Depression, anger, or resentment towards family members

If your loved one is exhibiting any of the above signs, call an experienced nursing home lawyer Memphis, TN relies on immediately. Do not shrug off these symptoms as something else, while your family member may be in pain. Your attorney can help defend your loved one from further mistreatment, and help you fight for justice and compensation for what has already happened.