Wills Lawyer Arlington, TX 
A wills lawyer in Arlington, TX from Brandy Austin Law Firm, PLLC is here to help you with your will questions. When you are preparing for how to take care of your family after you pass away, one of the first places that many people start is through creating a will. While this may seem complicated or it may even seem morbid, a will is a great way for you to show your family and friends that you love them through leaving them gifts, assets, or ensuring that they are protected when you die. Although the law does not require that you have an attorney with you while you create your will, hiring an Arlington, Texas wills lawyer can be particularly useful if any questions or concerns crop up, and it can ensure that you have not left anything important out of your will. Below, you will find more information on what you should put in your will.
An Arlington, TX Wills Lawyer’s Top Tips
Tip #1. Carefully Select Your Beneficiaries. When you pass away, you will need to determine exactly how you would like your assets and money distributed. To do so, you should select beneficiaries. Typically, this role is taken by your spouse, your children, your grandchildren, or even other friends and family members you care about. While it might not take you very long to determine who you want to be your beneficiaries, you should ensure that your will is up-to-date if one of them passes away or if you have had a falling out.
Tip #2. Carefully Choose Your Executor. This is an incredibly important decision. The executor of your will ensures that the wishes you have written down are carried out, so it is important that you trust the person. Also of note, when you do pick an executor, it is common practice to give them some form of compensation for their work, typically distributed to them through a percentage of your assets or through an hourly rate. An Arlington wills lawyer can help determine an appropriate amount of pay.
Tip #3. Avoid Being Vague. One of the worst things you can do in your will is be vague about who gets what and where your assets are going. You cannot trust that your spouse, children, and other family members will understand precisely what you want if you don’t lay it out and this can cause serious arguments after you pass away. The best thing you can do is be as specific as possible.
Tip #4. Choose Your Minor Kids’ Guardians. If you have minor children, it is extremely important that you have one or more guardians in place to ensure your children are taken care of if both you and your spouse are not alive. While not everyone you appoint will be able to take on that role, you can name alternate guardians if they turn the role down.
Tip #5. Get Your Witnesses. You will need to have additional people sign your will—typically two people. Depending on your state, the two witnesses cannot be left anything in your will and they need to be 18 years of age or older.
Getting Help From a Wills Lawyer Arlington, TX Residents Trust
If you would like to create a will and still have questions or would like a trustworthy attorney to walk you through the process, call a wills lawyer in Arlington, Texas from Brandy Austin Law Firm, PLLC.
Those who seek help from a wills lawyer in Arlington, Texas, can receive assistance in protecting, organizing, and distributing their assets in the event of death or incapacitation. Although you can technically create your own will without legal guidance, doing so could be risky especially when significant amounts of financial wealth or assets are involved.
When someone does not leverage the guidance of a TX wills attorney in Arlington, major issues can develop after the fact. It can even lead to litigation between surviving loved ones, which is unfortunately all too common. Contact our Arlington office to request a free consultation to learn more about our legal services and how our insight can be of benefit to you. Below are some considerations that many do not take into account when planning their will, unless they work with a member of our legal team.
Peace of Mind
One of the many benefits of hiring an experienced lawyer from Brandy and Austin Law Firm PLLC, is the assurance that the important details will be taken into consideration and not left aside. This provides our clients with peace of mind knowing that their assets and cherished possessions will be taken care of after their passing, in the manner of their choosing. This can also provide relief for one’s heirs, knowing that their loved one will leave behind clear instructions.
Ask for Assistance
Brandy Austin Law Firm, PLLC is a firm driven by the desire to protect and defend the rights of our clients. With years of experience in drawing up wills and trusts, we understand the complex legalities involved. An Arlington wills attorney in TX can discuss the details of your will and explain the process of creating one. Don’t be shy to ask for assistance, as we understand how intimidating writing a will can be.
What is a Will?
A will, also known as a living will or advance directive, refers to a legal document which gives the bearer (or drawer of the will) the right to state their final wishes for medical care, asset distribution, financial wealth, and so forth. By not having a will that expresses such wishes, avoidable disputes and legal mishaps could arise in the event of your death or incapacitation.
Notarizing Your Will
Every state has developed its own laws and rules pertaining to what is considered a legal and valid will. Although some people choose to create one on their own, many retain a TX wills attorney for support. Your will can be brief and just a few pages in length, or very extensive. An important part of the will is the notary. Without this legal notarization of the will, a court could consider it null and void. Once a member of our legal team or public notary signs it, the will is valid. Should you ever wish to modify the legal document, you can do so at any time.
Federal, State and Local Laws
Choosing to retain an attorney for the drafting of a will can immediately take a huge amount of weight off your shoulders. Brandy Austin Law Firm, PLLC can ensure nothing is left out of a document that could secure financial stability for your loved ones. A wills attorney from Arlington, TX can take into consideration any federal, state, or local laws so that no legal hindrances arise in the future. Tax advantages for your heirs might also be discussed; thereby providing them with the opportunity to maximum their inheritance. In addition, our legal team is ready to advise clients on the following:
- -Choosing or naming a beneficiary for financial power of attorney
- -Allocating permissions to individuals who can have access to financial accounts
- -Creation of an ethical will which discusses the reasons for specific distribution
- -Drawing up a legally binding last will and testament
- -Review of will drafts to ensure rights and wishes are protected
- -+ More
Do You Need a Will Attorney?
If you want to know more about creating a will, a lawyer at Brandy Austin Law Firm, PLLC would be happy to speak with you. For a complimentary consultation with us, please call today. A will attorney can be highly advantageous when you:
- -Own assets in multiple states or countries
- -Have minor children
- -Are remarried
- -Own a business
- -Possess physical or financial assets worth over $1 million
- -Are unable to understand the entire legal process or relevant documentation for writing a valid will
Adding a Will to Your Estate Plan
You might wonder why you would need a will if you already have an estate plan. The purpose of a will is to have a written document that is legally binding in dividing your assets after you pass. In putting your wishes into writing, you are essentially taking care of your family. So often, when there is no will, families are left to fight over the inheritance. The distribution of assets will likely become the court’s decision and can take a long to time for it all to be resolved. Contact Brandy Austin Law Firm, PLLC today and a a TX, Arlington wills attorney can guide you on the importance of having a comprehensive estate plan, including a will, that ensures your family is taken care of.
How the Will Fits into the Estate Plan
A will is an important addition to your estate plan because it will ensure your family is taken care of, even if you have a trust in place. Many people choose to have a will in addition to a trust in order to cover all aspects of his or her estate. A wills attorney can help guide you to create these important documents in an effort to handle assets and debts so that your family is clear on your wishes. The wills attorneys at Brandy Austin Law Firm, PLLC can explain the options available when it comes what may be best for you and your family.
Elements of a Will
A will allows the creator (also referred to as the testator) to identify exactly how the individual’s estate will be distributed in the event of his or her death. The estate includes physical items such as homes, cars, furniture, art, jewelry, etc. The estate also consists of monetary belongings like checking accounts, savings accounts, stocks, and bonds.
A Will Versus a Trust
Although wills and trusts are quite different, when handled correctly they can be complementary to each other and to the estate plan that reflects your wishes. There are many types of trusts but the most common is a living trust. Ultimately, living trusts are legal agreements between the creator, the trust and the beneficiaries. A trust is likely to reduce or avoid taxes and probate court. Similar to a trust, a will allows the creator to identify beneficiaries, but it also may identify guardianship of minor children and possibly address debt. An wills attorney in Arlington, TX can go over the different types of trusts available and how your estate plan could benefit.
Life Insurance
Many people have life insurance coverage but after signing up for it and paying their premiums, they often do not think much about it. When you work with our legal team, they can help you ensure that life insurance benefits go where you wish after passing:
- Designate the beneficiaries of the insurance proceeds after you pass away.
- Specify that the insurance proceeds should be paid to your trust or estate. This can be done using a trust or a will.
Retirement Benefits and Annuities
If you have a retirement benefit plan of some kind, whether through your workplace or you have a Roth-Individual Retirement Account (IRA) or a standard IRA, it should be taken into consideration when you create your estate plan.
- -If you pass away before the age of retirement, those who you name as the beneficiary or beneficiaries will receive the funds in your retirement account without them having to pass through probate. There may be tax consequences, which you can learn more about from a member of our legal team.
- -If you pass away after the age of retirement, as long as you had previously chosen the benefit option to continue payments after your death, your designated beneficiaries can receive the payments from the retirement account.
- -We can advise you as to whether or not it may be beneficial from a tax advantage standpoint to create a trust and have your retirement account assets paid to the trust upon your passing.
- -If you are legally married, state law may mandate that you must name your surviving spouse as the beneficiary of your retirement plans unless they provide legally recognized signed consent for you to name other beneficiaries in their place. We can clarify whether or not this is an issue under your particular circumstances.
How to Ensure Your Will is Not Challenged
In writing a clearly thought out and well planned will, especially with the help of an experienced TX wills attorney, you will significantly reduce the chances of anyone being able to contest the will. Brandy Austin Law Firm, PLLC understands state and federal laws and the appropriate execution of a will that is legal and binding.
Ultimately, in putting your wishes in writing, you are making certain that you are taking care if loved ones. Brandy Austin Law Firm, PLLC can help facilitate the process of creating a will as part of your estate plan. We offer a no-cost initial consultation at no charge as an opportunity to learn more about the services we provide so that you can make informed decisions.
Contact us today to schedule your consultation with our trusted and dedicated legal team. We can facilitate the most appropriate plan that suits your needs and protects your family. Contact us to meet with a wills attorney in Arlington, TX today.
An Arlington, TX wills lawyer often hear clients say that creating a will can be a taxing process. In many cases, the creation of a will can be daunting. This is because the planning process requires that people take stock of their entire lives. This can often bring up a lot of emotions, especially because no one wants to consider their demise. However, by working with The Brandy Austin Law Firm, our Arlington, TX wills lawyer can make the process of creating your will fairly pain free. We can help you to create a will that covers every aspect of your estate, and ensures that your wishes are carried out in the way that you would like.
It’s All in the Details
A wills lawyer from Arlington, TX knows that it’s important for a will to be as detailed as possible. We will make sure that every last detail is accounted for to avoid the risk of familial conflict after you are gone. Creating a will that is as detailed as possible is key to not only ensuring that your wishes are carried out, but also in mitigating the risk of leaving family fighting over what your final wishes would have been. With the help of our Arlington, TX wills lawyer, you can rest assured that we’ve got you covered. Never worry about leaving your family with a will that leaves them scratching their heads. Our lawyers can help guide you through the process of creating your will so that you have a well thought out, detailed will that your family can refer to when the time comes.
Leave Nothing Out
The last thing you want is to leave out an important aspect to your estate that should have been included in your will. In fact, leaving out key details to your will can be detrimental, and may even lead to disastrous outcomes. In the wake of your passing, your family will be grappling with losing you. A wills lawyer Arlington, TX residents can turn for will creation, may have the ability to reduce conflict within the family. Don’t leave your family with the challenge of deciphering what you would have wanted. Or, worse, vying for their own interests.
Customization of Your Will
Although you may be well aware of why you need a will, some may hesitate in contacting an attorney. For many, using a trusted Arlington, TX wills lawyer can feel daunting because of the expense associated with hiring a professional. While it may be tempting to use an online will creation site to help, this can be a mistake. In fact, failing to move forward with a wills lawyer can result in the creation of a will that is not compliant with Texas state laws. Not only can The Brandy Austin Law Firm, an experienced Arlington, TX wills lawyer make sure that your will is valid, but also customized to fit your specific wishes.
Give Yourself a Voice
When a person is no longer walking this earth, they leave behind all of their worldly possessions. Components of a will can include:
- Property
- Family Heirlooms
- Collectibles
- Jewelry
- Bank Accounts
- Life Insurance Policies
- Beneficiary Designations
Our wills lawyer in Arlington, TX can make sure that you have considered every single aspect to your estate. This may provide you with peace of mind in knowing that your final wishes will be carried out in the way you had intended.
It’s obvious that no one has the ability to live forever. However, considering end of life can be incredibly upsetting for many. Because of this, the creation of your will can easily be cast aside. Despite avoiding the creation of your will, it will likely weigh heavily on your mind. The reality is, that the unexpected can occur at any time. Ensure that your wishes are carried out, nothing is left out of your will, and that your family has a clear idea of how to move forward with our Arlington, TX wills lawyer at The Brandy Austin Law Firm today.