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Today, Barry’s is on the cusp of continued global expansion with over 100,000 members working out weekly in studios in over a dozen different countries.

Super Bowl LIV Fans Don’t Let Fans Drive Drunk

Super Bowl LIV Fans Don’t Let Fans Drive Drunk This Super Bowl season, the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is teaming up with Brandy Austin Law Firm to remind football fans and Super Bowl partygoers that…

How do you Enforce a Child Support Order in Texas?

How do you Enforce a Child Support Order? Have you considered hiring a child support attorney? It’s easy and cost-effective to hire an enforcement attorney for your child support needs. You have a court order including orders establishing child support,…

Possible amputation after Central Park explosion

College Student Steps on Explosive Imagine going on vacation and at the end of your vacation learning you have to have a limb amputated. This is exactly what happened to an 18-year old college student in July of 2016. The…

Modifying Child Custody

Modifying Custody in Texas Sometimes a “custody” order needs to be modified. Children get older, circumstances change, or one parent is not acting in the best interests of the child. Modification of the original order is recommended to ensure that…

The Misleading Case of DWI No Refusal Weekends

DWI No Refusal If you have driven on the interstates of Fort Worth or Dallas over the past week or so, you have probably noticed the road signs stating that July 4th weekend is a “DWI no refusal weekend”. You…

Overcoming Pride and Guilt When Filing Bankruptcy

Filing for Bankruptcy Financial problems are one of the most stressful things a person or couple can go through. These problems are multiplied by the guilt that often comes with not being able to pay the bills, and the pride…

Amusement Park Injuries

  Who is Responsible for Amusement Park Injuries Most people look forward to a day at an amusement park. You’ve planned out your day from food to rides. However, you never plan on the potential dangers for these parks. A…

What Do You Do If You Are In A Car Accident?

What to do if you are in a Car Accident in Texas Planning before a crash happens No one plans to get into a car accident, but it is important to be prepared in the event the unexpected happens. First,…

Child Custody Options

Child Custody in Texas In Texas, child custody is often the number one disputed topic in Family Law courts. The determination of parental rights and possession time of the child is the main cause of frequent disagreements.  If you spend…