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Today, Barry’s is on the cusp of continued global expansion with over 100,000 members working out weekly in studios in over a dozen different countries.

Social Media Success

This day and age there is only one sure fire way to get your name and brand out there in the public eye, to be viewed by as many eyes as possible in fact, and that is by having a…

Handling Divorce During Valentine’s Day

With the Valentine’s Day holiday quickly approaching, love, relationships, or even the lack thereof, are heavy on everyone’s mind. Many find themselves worrying about their spouse as this tempting holiday approaches. Let’s say that one’s spouse does cheat on them,…

 Why We Need to Take Care of Dogs

Why We Need to Take Care of Dogs

“Adopt, don’t shop!” A common phrase in the animal activism community. Now, I know what you’re thinking, “Here comes another crazy animal person trying to shove her beliefs in our faces.” Well as crazy and repetitive as it may seem,…

 Common Questions Regarding Divorce

Common Questions Regarding Divorce

Common Questions Regarding Divorce Am I legally separated? When can I get a divorce? How will we resolve issues related to children and finances? There are many different questions that people ask their lawyer while going through a divorce.  Potential…

The 7 Best Gifts to Give This Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s day –  a day we celebrate with love and affection every year on February the 14th. It is a good excuse to give gifts and spend time with your loved ones. Unlike Christmas, this holiday doesn’t exactly need to…

Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer

Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer What You Need to Know About Nursing Home Abuse It can be difficult to know what to do when you suspect that a loved one is being abused in a nursing home. You may not be…