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Today, Barry’s is on the cusp of continued global expansion with over 100,000 members working out weekly in studios in over a dozen different countries.

What is ‘Proximate Cause’ in a Personal Injury Case?

Most people know that a person injured in a car accident or other negligence case (the ‘plaintiff’) will have to prove that the other driver was negligent and that the plaintiff has sustained an injury.  Evidence supporting the injury claim…

Can I Sue if My Child was Hurt at the Beach?

It’s all too common for a child to be injured while at the beach. You may be entitled to compensation for injuries sustained by your child if they were hurt while at the beach. Whether or not you qualify to…

Judge or Jury?

In Texas, many clients do not know that they have the option to request a jury trial in a family law matter. Normally, many clients have a bench trial in front of the Judge who makes the determination on the…

International Marriages And Divorces

International marriages and divorces are increasingly common. When a spouse leaves and returns to their nation of origin and files a petition for divorce against you, there can be additional issues and challenges. If a divorce is filed in another…

Types of Knee Injuries

You may be wondering if a personal injury claim is right for you if you have suffered a knee injury due to another person’s negligence. Knee injuries can occur in a number of places: slipping and falling while on the…

Can I Refuse a Breathalyzer?

We’ve heard it all before, if a police officer asks you to take a Breathalyzer test, can you refuse? Some believe that refusing to do so may be a way of getting out of a potential DUI charge after the…

Claiming Compensation For Invisible Work Injuries

In the workplace, it’s possible to suffer invisible work injuries. If these injuries aren’t discovered, they can prevent an employee from performing his or her job duties. Let’s take a closer look at some examples of these invisible injuries. Physical…