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Nursing Home Abuse

Nursing home lawyers know that, according to national statistics, each year, one out of every 10 seniors (anyone 60 years of age or older) is a victim of some form of abuse. Even more alarming is that only one out of every 14 of these victims report the abuse to law enforcement or other appropriate authority.

Elderly victims who reside in nursing homes are some of the most vulnerable, yet they are also often too fearful to let someone know what is happening to them. This is why it is critical for families of nursing home residents to know the signs of abuse and to always be on the lookout for any indications their loved one could be a victim.

Types of Abuse

There are many different types of elder abuse. Tragically, it is not uncommon for a victim to suffer several types of abuse at the hands of the same offender. Some of the more common types of abuse include the following:

  • Depriving the victim of food
  • Depriving the victim of medical care
  • Depriving the victim of medication
  • Depriving the victim of personal hygiene
  • Depriving the victim of their medical devices (i.e. canes, walkers)
  • Emotional abuse
  • Financial abuse (i.e. stealing the victim’s funds)
  • Hitting, slapping, punching, pinching, pushing, or other physical abuse
  • Isolating the victim without a valid reason
  • Restraining the victim without a valid reason
  • Sexual abuse

As mentioned above, the majority of elderly abuse victims are too frightened to tell anyone what is happening to them. The abuser has often threatened the victim with the promise of even more harm or threaten to harm their loved ones. This is one of the reasons why it is so important for family members to contact experienced nursing home lawyers if they suspect their loved one is suffering.

Signs Your Loved One May Be a Victim

Even if you can’t yet confirm what is going on, it is important to seek guidance so that you can hopefully prevent additional mistreatment in an effective, informed way. The following behaviors are indicators that your elderly loved one may be a victim of abuse:

  • Anxiety or agitation when certain people are around them
  • Bedsores
  • Dehydration
  • Depression
  • Infections
  • Lack of personal hygiene
  • Loss of weight
  • Malnutrition
  • Medical conditions worsening without any reasonable explanation as to why
  • Thumb sucking, rocking, or other behavior that mimics dementia
  • Unexplained fractured bones, bruises, or other injuries
  • Unexplained money or property loss
  • Withdrawal

Contact a Nursing Home Lawyer for Legal Assistance

If you suspect your elderly loved one is being abused, please call an experienced attorney.