Personal Injury Lawyer
A workers compensation policy is insurance an employer takes out to cover their employees in the event of an accident at work that causes injuries. This policy is not only to help the employee recover from their injuries without the threat of financial collapse, but to help the employer as well. Here’s the top benefits for both employees and employers.
Benefits for the Employer
In some states, employers are required by law to have workers compensation insurance. These laws can vary, with some mandating it for anyone who has a single employee and others that state that an employer must have insurance if they employ a certain number of people. If you live in a state that does not require insurance, there are still reasons to get it. The main benefit to employers is that the insurance protects them from being sued by an employee. Since the coverage takes care of the employee’s injury automatically, the employee cannot then sue for their employer for negligence or any other reason.
Benefits for the Employee
Employees injured on the job can claim workers compensation benefits that cover a multitude of expenses. Any medical expenses sustained during recovery, including those for doctor’s visits, tests, exams and physical therapy can be claimed. If an employee misses a significant amount of work because of the injury, therefore losing valuable work wages, they can claim up to a certain amount of lost wages. The loved ones of employees who die due to a work accident can make a claim to cover funeral expenses. Permanent disabilities can also come with a set of benefits that provide for the employee if they can no longer work or function the same as before.
Eligibility for Workers Comp
Only employees are eligible for workers compensation. Volunteers do not count and are not covered by these policies, though an employer can add on to their policy to include volunteers or take out coverage specifically for them. Any employee who gets injured or falls ill while completing work, even if out of the normal workspace, can file. Exemptions do exist, as employees who engaged in a fight, ignored company safety guidelines, acted negligently at work (such as coming in drunk), or injured themselves intentionally cannot get compensation. Emotional trauma can only be covered if it involves an actual physical injury.
To discover your full rights under workers compensation, talk to a workers’ compensation lawyer, who understands your state laws. See how your employer’s policy will affect you if you get injured.