Brandy Austin Law Firm PLLC
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In today’s modern world we are all familiar with how much electronic accounts play a huge role within our day-to-day life.  Majority of people have or have heard of Facebook Accounts, iTune Accounts, Twitter, Instagram and SnapChat accounts. What happens to these accounts once you pass away in the State of Texas?

We have all heard the stories of a loved one passing away too soon and accounts holding pictures, or memories and a life line to their loved ones often vanish for lack of knowledge on planning through their Estates. Majority of people do not think to inform anyone of their passwords for accounts because we are all prompted to keep these passwords safe, secure and protected.

Facebook has a tool within your personal security settings that allows you to appoint a Legacy Contact. This person you appoint is allowed to access your account once you have passed by notifying Facebook of your passing. You have to submit a Death Certificate and then they allow you access to your loved ones account. You then have an Administrator that can access your photos, notify family and friends, and ultimately keep your legacy going by administering your account.

ITunes, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat and many other electronic accounts do not yet offer this same ability as Facebook currently offers. Therefore, it is strongly urged that you keep a log of your passwords for your family members to access these accounts. You can keep them in a safe place and you do not have to share this information until you pass.

Working for a Law Firm in Texas that handles Probate and Estate Planning, it is often encouraged to the clients to update their file with passwords, emails, and the information that majority of people do not think to be important until after you pass. This is utilized as a road map for your loved ones and has even been beneficial to some clients that they themselves couldn’t remember their passwords to specific accounts.

With technology playing such a huge role in people’s lives, it is important to make sure that you inform someone of the accounts and passwords that you use so that a part of you is left here for other’s to enjoy. Many clients have enjoyed listening to their parents play list on iTunes, or viewing photos and comments on Facebook. This is the legacy that you leave behind, so be sure to inform someone of your account information so it is not lost within the technology world.