Car Accident Lawyer Arlington, TX

Car Accidents Involving Uninsured DriversAny car accident can invoke a serious headache. There’s much to sort through in order to ensure that you are obtaining the medical care you require all while taking steps to recover from your injuries in the best way possible. But what happens if an uninsured driver has hit you? How can you obtain the compensation you may be entitled to?

What should I do if the driver flees the scene?
Car accidents are a horrible thing to have to contend with. In accidents involving uninsured drivers, it’s not at all uncommon for a hit and run to take place. If they are able, they may try to flee the scene. If this is the case, gather as much information as you can. Try to get the other driver’s license plate number if you are able to. Law enforcement can also work to try to identify the person who hit you.

What should I do if an uninsured driver hits me?
In most states, all drivers are required to hold some sort of insurance coverage. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. If you have been a victim of an accident involving an uninsured driver, you will want to make sure that the police are contacted and a police report is completed. You will want to speak with an Arlington TX car accident lawyer, as it can be difficult to determine your next steps without their experience.

Without an insurance policy, how do I take action if I sustained damages?
When a driver doesn’t have insurance, the process can quickly become much more complicated than a standard personal injury case. When a driver does not have insurance, they do not have an insurance company that you can file a claim with. As result, you will need to obtain a car accident lawyer in order pursue a lawsuit against the at-fault driver. Depending on your situation, this may not make sense. In most cases, drivers without insurance do not have much in the way of personal assets

Will my insurance company cover me?
It’s important to ensure that you have an insurance policy that will protect you in the event a driver without insurance hits you. When a driver is not insured, you may have to turn to your own insurance company for help in covering the damages of your accident. Most insurance companies offer policies that cover you if an uninsured driver has hit you. Such policies may offer compensation for:

  1. Lost wages
  2. Medical expenses
  3. Property damages

Filing a claim against your insurance company does not mean that a settlement is a done deal. You would still benefit with an Arlington TX attorney’s representation, as an insurance company will still work to provide you with as small of a settlement as possible.

Should I be worried the uninsured driver will attempt to recover compensation for their medical care or financial losses?
If you are found to have contributed to the accident in any way, the uninsured driver may file a car accident claim against your insurance company. Although this can be frustrating, a person driving without insurance may still have to face consequences, such as license suspension and fines.

If a driver who was not insured has hit you, you will surely want the assistance of an attorney. A car accident lawyer Arlington, TX victims recommend will be able to provide you with a clear action plan based on your situation.