Selling a Business Selling a portion of your business could be a good strategy if you’re trying to create liquid assets. Doing so gives you money to use as you see fit, while still allowing you control of your business.…
If you are in the midst of a wrongful death suit, you may wonder how you’re going to be taxed for your final settlement. While it’s nice to know you’ll be compensated for the financial burden of the death of…
Distracted Driving Distracted driving leads to over two million accidents annually in the United States alone. Of those accidents, over half are caused because of reported cell phone usage. Therefore, becoming a safer driver seems to be of the utmost…
If you are considering the different options for the care of you or an elderly loved one, you might find that there are a few choices to consider. At one-time nursing homes were the only available options; however, now, senior…
Reasons to Contact a Motorcycle Accident Lawyer If you have been in a motorcycle accident, chances are you will consider whether you should retain the services of a motorcycle accident lawyer. While the expense of legal representation may feel like…
Personal Injury Lawyer If you or someone you love have experienced an event that may necessitate filing a personal injury claim against a negligent person or business, then you may want to learn more about how the civil litigation process…
Estate Planning Lawyer If you are in the process of planning your estate, you may be wondering if setting up a trust is a good idea. There are several different types of trusts, some of which are better for estate…
When it comes to child restraint laws, parents of newborn children often must take into consideration the legal restrictions set by their individual state both as a guideline for best practice as well as a way to avoid legal trouble.…
Workers’ Compensation An injury of any kind can do more than prove inconvenient – it can also cost you. Depending on the circumstances leading to the incident, you may find yourself seriously hurt. The result could be weeks — or…
Criminal Lawyer An accident on the job can be rife with uncertainty. You may be fearful of whether you will be able to retain employment, your recovery and the impact your workers’ compensation case could have on your employment. What…