Dog Bite Lawyer Dallas, TX

The aftermath of a dog attack can be terrifying and disorienting. If you or someone you love has been attacked by a dog, seek medical attention now. Everything else can wait until you have obtained necessary medical care. If you have already called 911, are on your way to the hospital, or have already sought medical attention, it is now time to call our experienced Dallas, TX dog bite lawyer. Even if you are unsure of whether you want to take legal action against the dog owner, the owner of the property on which you were attacked, etc., it is important to preserve your legal options. Allowing our strong legal advocate to begin doing the legal “heavy lifting” on your behalf will allow you to protect your options until you make a decision about what you want to do under the law. In addition, connecting with our personal injury lawyer will allow you to take the legal side of this scenario “off your plate” so that you can focus on healing.

dog bite

Responding to a Dog Attack

One of the most important things you can do following a dog attack is to document every detail you possibly can. Take pictures of the bite marks. Save discharge notes from the emergency room. Give the names of witnesses to our attorney. As soon as you can, write down every detail you can remember from the moments leading up to the bite and the attack itself. This can be a stressful process, but it is important to get this information down on paper before your memory of the events becomes less clear or otherwise compromised by time. If you don’t think you can manage writing down your memories, ask our personal injury lawyer to interview you about the event in a way that gets your story down as quickly as you can.

Legal Guidance Is Available

If you or someone you love has recently been attacked by a dog, please contact our Dallas dog bite attorney immediately. It is important not to waste any time scheduling a consultation as your legal options may become more limited as hours and days pass. Evidence can become compromised or may be lost. Therefore, even if you are unsure of whether you want to take legal action, it is critical to schedule a consultation with the team at Brandy Austin Law Firm, PLLC so that we can begin work to preserve your legal options.

Once we advise you of the legal opportunities available to you, you can make an informed decision about the best path forward. Consultations are risk-free, so you do not need to decide now whether or not you want to take legal action. Simply connect with our personal injury attorney today in order to safeguard your options and obtain answers to any questions you may have. We look forward to speaking with you.

If you get bitten by a dog, it is important to consult our skilled dog attack lawyer promptly. You may be entitled to receive compensation for your injury. Our lawyer can help you file a timely claim and protect your rights.

Damages You May Claim

To learn what full damages that you could be entitled to, you should speak with our lawyer. We will calculate the types of liability and damages and the respective amounts you may seek compensation for. You could be eligible to recover a number of economic and non-economic damages for medical bills, missed income, and other losses. A dog bite injury can result in non-economic damages like pain and suffering and emotional distress, as the effect of a dog bite can result in psychological trauma.

Preventing Dog Bite Injuries

There are ways you can avoid becoming a dog bite victim. Knowing how to safely interact with dogs is helpful, especially if you live in a neighborhood where you see pet owners walking their dogs or live near a dog park. Do not antagonize dogs or approach them without asking their owner for permission. If you see a stray pet, slowly back away from it, avoid eye contact, and don’t approach it at all.

Consult With Our Skilled Lawyer 

There is legal help available if you have sustained a serious dog bite injury. Learn how you can file a dog bite lawsuit against the negligent individual responsible by reaching out to our lawyer about your options available. Contact our highly experienced and skilled animal bite lawyer that the Dallas, Texas community depends on.

What to Do After Suffering a Dog Bite

Many dogs are friendly and enjoy being petted by others. However, some dogs may bite if they feel threatened in some way. If you get bitten by someone else’s pet, it’s important to know what to do afterward.

Identify the owner of the dog

In order to receive compensation for the damages you suffered from the dog bite, you have to find the owner of the animal. For example, the owner could be a neighbor or acquaintance. If you don’t know who the owner is, contact Dallas animal control. They may be able to identify the owner if the dog has a microchip.

Seek medical care

There are several types of dog attack injuries, including puncture wounds, eye injuries, broken bones and face injuries. It is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible. Even if the injury does not seem so bad at first, it may still cause complications. A doctor will evaluate your injury and recommend the best treatment. If you wait too long to seek treatment, you could put your health and personal injury claim at risk.

Take photos of your injury

If the dog bite resulted in a visible injury, like a puncture wound, you should take photos of it promptly. Without proper pictures, it can be difficult to prove to the insurance company that you did indeed get bitten by a dog.

Consult a lawyer

The regulations regarding dog bites and liability are quite complicated. As such, it is wise to have our experienced dog bite lawyers on your side. We can help you gather the evidence you need to prove your case and handle negotiations with the insurance company.

Follow your doctor’s instructions

After your doctor has diagnosed your dog bite injury, he or she will advise on the proper treatment plan. It is critical for you to follow your doctor’s orders. If you stop taking your antibiotics or don’t show up to a follow-up appointment, you could jeopardize your health and the outcome of your personal injury claim.

Dog Bite Statistics

Most animal bite incidents are due to pet dogs and can occur when people are engaging in social activity either in their homes or a public place. Studies suggest that every year, canines are responsible for more than 4.5 million people getting injured in the United States. Around 1 in every 5 people bitten by a dog requires medical attention in order to treat the injury. And each year almost a million Americans have to get medical care for dog bites, and at least half of them are children. According to a study from 2017, there are almost 90 million dogs owned in the United States.

Dog Bite FAQs

To make smart decisions about your case, you need all of the information available. At Brandy Austin Law Firm, PLLC, we explain Texas laws in a way our clients can understand. Here are FAQs we get about dog bites in Dallas, TX.

If My Child is Bit By a Dog What Can an Attorney Do For Me?

Hiring our attorney would make sure that you gather all of the evidence necessary to prove your case should a lawsuit become necessary. Gathering evidence of the dog bite, the injury to your child, and the history of the canine at the onset of the case are the most important factors.

If I As an Adult Am Bit By a Dog Do I Have a Case?

It depends. There’s information you need to gather before a case determination can be made. You will need to find the dog owner. Describe the location where the dog bite occurred. If it is at a friend’s house, with a friend’s dog, then you will have to ask your friend for their homeowner’s policy (if she has one). Next, you’ll need to get pictures of the dog, and any dangerous activity the dog has been involved in prior to biting you. Please contact our attorney in your area to get specific information on your case.

How Long Does a Dog Bite Case Normally Take?

There are two stages of any personal injury claim. Pre-litigation and litigation. You will know early whether the homeowner’s policy is going to accept liability or not. If they do, then it’s all about how much they will pay. That could take a few months. If the homeowner’s policy denies liability, then a lawsuit may be necessary. In which case, it will take at least a year or more to get recovery in the case.

Will My Medical Expenses Be Covered?

Medical bills are recoverable damages in a dog bite case in Texas.

What Evidence Do I Need to Gather Prior to Going to an Attorney On a Dog Bite Case?

Below are some of the documents you could gather for our attorney to review:

  • Photos of the dog
  • Photos of the injuries
  • Witness statements to the incident
  • Witness statements on the history of the dog/past bites by the dog
  • Any Dangerous Dog Hearing documents/verdicts
  • Incident Reports
  • Medical Records and Bills from the injuries
  • Dog Owner’s name and information
  • Dog Owner’s insurance policy information

Is a Dog’s Owner Always Responsible for Dog Bites in Texas?

Unfortunately, Texas doesn’t have strict laws regarding dog bites. This can make it a challenge for individuals to sue when they are bitten. It’s important to speak with our experienced canine bite lawyer if you want to win your case.

For a dog’s owner to be held responsible, you must prove several things:

  • The owner knew the dog had bitten someone in the past
  • The owner was negligent in securing the dog
  • The owner could have prevented the attack but knowingly didn’t

Proving these factors requires gathering evidence. That’s why consulting our personal attorney is so helpful.

What Are Examples of Negligence With Dog Bites?

Negligence means the dog’s owner didn’t take the steps a reasonable person would know they should take to keep their pet from biting someone. This is easier to prove when a dog has a history of being aggressive or biting. If the person violated local laws regarding dogs, such as not using a leash when they’re required, that’s also a way to prove negligence.

What If I’m Partly Responsible for the Attack?

Even if you believe you had some blame for what happened, it doesn’t mean you don’t have a case. For example, if you were walking through the edge of a farmer’s field and were bitten by their dog, the jury may find you partly responsible because of where you were. However, our dog bite attorney may still prove the owner acted negligently by having a dangerous dog unleashed.

In this situation, the jury may assign a percentage of fault to each party. If you are deemed 20% at fault, the total damages awarded would be reduced by that amount. For example, instead of receiving a settlement for $100,000, you would receive $80,000. At Brandy Austin Law Firm, PLLC, we can help you evaluate how strong your case is.

Can I Sue My Landlord If a Tenant’s Dog Bites Me?

Depending on the circumstances, our dog injury lawyer may be able to sue your landlord for the bite as well. This requires proving that the landlord should have known about the dog’s temperament and didn’t take steps to keep the other tenants safe.

Schedule a consultation with our personal injury firm today.

Getting Help

A dog bite may cause minor or more serious injury, and there may be a reason to seek compensation from the dog owner if there were losses. For instance, if you had to go to the doctor to get treatment for a dog bite, then who is going to pay for these bills? Even if you think you were partially responsible for the attack, it doesn’t mean you don’t have a valid personal injury case. For help after a dog bite or attack, please contact our Dallas dog bite lawyer at Brandy Austin Law Firm, PLLC as soon as possible. We provide legal services in English and Spanish.

Managing attorney Brandy Austin has won awards recognizing her successful track record securing personal injury settlements for victims. You can count on us to deliver remarkable representation and personalized, cost-effective legal services. It’s time to pursue the compensation you are owed. Don’t wait to take the first step toward achieving financial justice.